
A Template by Start Bootstrap

About Stuloper

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Stuloper 는 Student developer 의 줄임말입니다. 이 말의 뜻은 말 그대로 학생 개발자라는 뜻입니다. 아직 실력은 부족하지만 연습을 통해 훌륭한 개발자가 되기 위해 노력하는 중 입니다.


Stuloper is abbreviation of Student developer. The meaning of this is literally Student developer. I am not good at coding. but I am trying to be a great developer through repetitive practice.

Death to the Stock Photo:
Special Thanks

A special thanks to Death to the Stock Photo for providing the photographs that you see in this template. Visit their website to become a member!

3D Device Mockups
by PSDCovers

Turn your 2D designs into high quality, 3D product shots in seconds using free Photoshop actions by PSDCovers! Visit their website to download some of their awesome, free photoshop actions!

Google Web Fonts and
Font Awesome Icons

This template features the ‘Lato’ font, part of the Google Web Font library, as well as icons from Font Awesome.